We all need to take responsibility for our own effect on the environment in which we all live. As President Kennedy once said "We all breathe the same air".
Of course what governments and big corporations do has a massive effect on the environment and on what we as individuals are able to do. But don't think that the small things you can do won't make a difference - to quote one major supermarket "Every little helps!"
If everyone does what we can, as well as campaigning in whatever way we feel able to persuade those with greater power to play their part, we will make a massive difference. Already we are decarbonising the economy, removing dangerous chemicals from the food chain, reducing plastic waste and much much more.
I've written a little song to encourage people to feel that what they do really counts. Listen and download the song below:
For ideas of what you can do, visit Abingdon Carbon Cutters website below.
Abingdon Carbon Cutters – A local response to climate change